Effective: October 15, 2023
This is an important document that is relevant to:
- All the Parents or Legal guardians
- ITO World Beauty Pageant: Director /Office bearers/Volunteers/Helpers/all associated with the events.
Every kid or young person may be at risk in events and their activities taking part in. So, they deserve to be safe and secure during such events.
Their parents or legal guardian need to feel secure that the people who are in these kinds of activities must be trustworthy, responsible, safe and they will do everything they can to keep the kids or young person safe from any kind of harm (including abuse, injury and neglect).
The primary duty of parents and event organisers/director, whatever their nominated role, is to protect children and young people from significant harm.
The term abuse is defined as a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons which may result in significant harm.
The importance of this definition is that, in deciding what action to take, consideration must be given not only to the immediate impact on and risk to the person, but also to the risk of future, longer-term harm.
Abuse may be:
- a single act or repeated acts that can be against the policy of Government
- An act of neglect or a failure to act
- Abuse is about the misuse of the power and control that one person has over another.
- Abuse can take place anywhere
a person’s own home, Residential Places, Events Venues, offices, Educational Institutes
Nursing Homes, Clinics and Hospitals or any private or public places.
- Several abusive acts are crimes and informing the police must be a key consideration
- The impairment of physical, intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development.
- Seriousness of harm, or the extent of the abuse, is not always clear at the point of the alert or referral. All reports of suspicions or concerns should be approached with an open mind.
- Physical
- Neglect and acts of omission
- Psychological/emotional
- Sexual
- Child sexual exploitation
- Financial and material
- Discrimination
- Institutional
- Human trafficking
- Exploitation by radicalisers who promote violence.
- Any form of digitally or any social media abusive messages
- Nature and extent of the abuse or neglect
- Impact of the alleged abuse on the child or young person
- Vulnerability, including age, of the person
- Length of time the abuse or neglect has been occurring
- Risk of repeated or increasingly serious acts of abuse or neglect
- Risk that serious harm could result if no action is taken
- Unlawfully or Illegality of the act or acts.
ITO World Beauty Pageant is committed to establishing a safe, secure and supportive environment as acknowledged in our event so,
We will:
- Screening all employees who work with children
- Adopting a Code of Conduct for all adults and volunteers who interact with kids and young person at our event
- Providing adequate supervision of Safeguard Officer
- Supporting the investigation of complaints and allegations in a timely manner
- Make our Safeguarding Policy available to all.
- Ensure we practice safe recruitment to help with children and young people
- Develop and then implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of harm
- Designate an appropriately trained and informed individual as the Safeguarding Officer.
- Make aware all the people associated in the event to abide the laws of the land.
- All allegations of abuse against any of the person associated with the events – director, office bearers or parent, however minor, are reported to the Safeguarding Officer.
- Name of parent, legal guardians or chosen person (when appropriate) and contact details to be recorded for all children or young people using ITO World Beauty Pageant services if unaccompanied by them.
- If any allegation is made against a member of ITO World Beauty Pageant concerning alleged harm of a child or young person the procedure to be followed will be in line the Local Safeguarding Team.
- Safeguarding also means reducing the risk of injury. Therefore, we will carry out appropriate risk assessments before undertaking events/activities that will be attended by children or young people. This will include balancing the danger of injury against the benefits for participants.
- When undertaking events/activities we will arrange for appropriate first aid cover.
- You can report child abuse to MoI through the hotline number 116111 or through the MoI’s Child Protection Centre’s website and the ‘Hemayati’ (Arabic for protect me) app (available on Android and iOS).
The organisation will designate a Safeguarding Officer who will:
- Provide safeguard policy to all.
- Make parents or legal guardians aware of their duty to report any allegations or suspicions of abuse and the procedure for doing so.
- Be available for consultation with parents raising safeguarding concerns
- Counsel the child or young person
- Ensure that safeguarding alerts are raised as appropriate
- Ensure the alleged victim is made safe and preserve any evidence relating to the abuse
- Ensure that any person associated with the event who may have caused harm is not in contact with the alleged victim, other service users or others who may be at risk.
If the Safeguarding Officer is the subject of the suspicion/allegation, or is not available, then the report must be direct to the director Local safeguarding team in Event.
- The priority of the organisers and parents must always be to ensure the safety and protection of the child, young person or adult at risk.
- All parents, all staff and volunteers and contestants must be aware of the ITO World Beauty Pageant Safeguarding Policy and have a responsibility to be aware of issues of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
- The procedure to be followed is detailed in ITO World Beauty Pageant Safeguarding Procedure.
- All staff and volunteers have a duty to act in a timely manner on any concern or suspicion that a child, young person or adult at risk is being, or is at risk of being, abused, neglected or exploited and to ensure that the situation is assessed and investigated.
- Regulated activity still excludes family arrangements, and personal, non-commercial arrangements.
October 2024
If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal information, please contact us at hello@worldbeautypageant.org.
By participating in our beauty pageant competition, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms and conditions.